Or join queer groups, online or in person. We’re constantly on guard, rejected by a. ago. Then the pink flag without the lips was canceled because "transphobia" (that one is my personal favorite flag because I'm a cis woman only attracted to other cis women). Femme is what's left of femininity when you remove the man as the center. As a lesbian who was desperate to find a space made for me and people like me, joining this subreddit feels like a warm hug…The straight people there. ’. Like fuck guys, "Lesbians are just like cis men" is an incredibly dangerous stereotype already, stop enforcing it! It all just smacks of immaturity an inexperience. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Many lost friends along the way too, since not many exes want to remain friends; coupled with all the friends of the exes that are lost as well. Don't post names, personal information (including links/pictures off reddit), or encourage harassment. level 1. Talking, watching movies together. I want to care for her, do the things she doesn't want to (carry stuff around, cook her a meal, depends on her likes and dislikes) or make her little presents. Don’t give up! 28 is so young. Being “mean” in the LGBT community : r/Actuallylesbian. RENT was my introduction to LGBTQ people, and Maureen and Joanne—as problematic and messy as they both are—have such special places in my heart. It's like either I feel too dull/ugly to fit another. You just end up with more interest instead of less. This just doesn’t slap right. Respecting boundaries even if they don't fully get them. You have two options: "We're incompatible, I'm looking for a partner who is a woman". Move from Art Deco period through the forming of Chech Republic. I have long hair, wear makeup sometimes, and don't really have any lesbian friends. ". My stomach tingles when I think of her and she comes in my mind multiple times during the day. Posted by 7 days ago. I met my gf of 6 months here on Reddit and every single day, we either spoke on the phone or did video chats. This is a thread for singles to chat and post selfies. I hate being the 3rd/5th/7th wheel. For my whole life I've let these fears, irrational as they are, dictate. Guys normally just ignore it and keep it moving. Please be mindful of your username if it is different than your reddit handle, and to choose whether you would like your post public or. Honestly, it's lifechanging. They openly told me that they would never attend my wedding if I ever was to marry and they told me that I wasn’t allowed to bring anyone home because they would feel ashamed. Anyone else feels so out of place on dating apps. Who knew. Actually amazing. CloneOfCosima • 4 yr. I've never been the first person to say "I love you" in a relationship. 1k members in the Actuallylesbian community. Many people struggle to develop the communication skills and emotional maturity required to make a monogamous relationship work. In case of large amount of men getting killed in a war, women could easily fall back to “lesbian-mode” and raise family with another women. Late-blooming lesbians usually have addiction issues, having spent years numbing themselves with alcohol and drugs to be with men. You can be attracted to whoever you are attracted to. You deserve someone for whom this kind of behaviour wouldn't even occur to them, someone for whom love. Most people have a sense of humor about themselves. Nobody is entitled to your time, attention, or friendship, regardless of whether they (or you) think they should be. Go to Actuallylesbian r. Gay men are busy keeping the straights out of their spaces. I’m a neurodivergent nerd and I feel so ostracized from the wlw community as a result bc so many aren’t like me. That one got canceled because the flag was for femmes who only dated other femmes. I’m in my early 20s, and I’m a lesbian and I am autistic. Both couples had two women in high powered careers then decided making a family was a thing so in one set - the non carrying mom stayed home (the carrying mom is a doctor so I get it). 2. ago. Killing Eve - I enjoyed the first 2 seasons but my interest tapered off after the 3rd season. On January it all started from silly jokes about pairing me and this girl on Discord with a Marriage Bot. I made her as similar to me as possible; masc-leaning, lesbian, etc. I’m going to make dinner now and shower. the body hair question made me reminisce; freshman year of high school in gym, there was this white girl who would smile and wave whenever she saw me. I would remove man as the centre and add women. Meta. It’s important that you focus on you and meet the goals you’ve planned for yourself especially with all that’s going on in your home. My partner and I are like this (she’s avoidant) and it’s caused a lot of issues, especially since we’re also long distance. I was lucky to know that my friend group was aggressively supportive and those that were not fell off. I am a mean lesbian tbh. It’s supposed to function as some type of guidebook on exploring whether or not one is a lesbian, but it’s entirely centred on men and doesn’t even mention what sexual attraction or arousal feels like, and how that might manifest in proximity to other women. Very. 1234yeahfine • 2 yr. Femininity is not seen as a legitimate expression for the femmes comfort, it's always seen as being for another person. As everyone else is writing, yes, it is impolite. Reminder: spending lots of time with your partner is NOT codependency. We’re platonic and I don’t know if I should tell her. Women (both cis and trans) come in so many different shapes, sizes and figures. This is a thread that is less moderated than the rest of the subreddit. i’ve always identified as a lesbian and everyone bounced from lesbian to bisexual as they. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. I’m sorry you were sexually assaulted and feel less than because of having something awful and that wasn’t your fault happen to you. Reminder: Imgur is a great hosting site for sharing images via links in threads. •. I understand and empathise that your girlfriend is upset about the situation but it’s not as though anything that’s happening is in your control. I just need to vent a little, bear with me. But I feel like I’ve always loved women. I'm going to leave my wife over her disability. However, I am usually the last to stay it, lol. It's the one thing you will fail at constantly until you maybe succeed once. Queer means nothing and everything so someone who is queer could just be a bisexual with a a husband (pleonasm) or even a heterosexual woman. Kind people, people who are smart and don’t give into delusions, people who aren’t active on social media, exciting people who will bring something different to the table. 8. Just needed to pass the time until my clinicals start up again. She Makes My Heart Flutter is a Korean webseries about a girl who gets a job working at her aunt's lesbian bar. It feels very separate from the femininity that affects non-lesbians anyway. /r/actuallesbians — a place for cis and trans lesbians, bisexual girls, chicks who like chicks, bi-curious folks, dykes, butches, femmes, girls who kiss girls,. 13. I dont smile. If someone I was best friends with for years was expressing interest in me it would probably make things uncomfortable. 49 votes, 42 comments. I found that a bit presumptuous, as one this ex clearly had no interest in learning or pleasing her. Organizing events like that takes a lot of time and resources and I want to see lesbians a) fairly compensated for their efforts and b) grow enough capital to be able to build on their success so they are well positioned to create more events and venues in the future. Actually, you can gain unexpected friends too. It's perfectly normal and natural and I have no interest in being a freak in order to 'shock' heterosexuals. Exactly. ago. [deleted] · 4 mo. Go to Actuallylesbian r. uhaul is a moving company, uhaul is moving together super quick, this system can be about just calmly dating for a bit and move as you say on a natural not so fast rythm on the relationship and it is as you say important to say I love you when you are really sure and so on, of course you introduce that person to friends I think this post has. Sometimes I feel like I'm not a good lesbian because of this. Jessica Alba in Dark Angel. Femme4femme, braiding each other's hair, doing makeup with each other or doing each other's makeup, getting nails done together, it's all so much fun 🥰. You might get unwanted attention from men, but “I’m here to meet women, not men,” might work. I think this is not only an issue of homophobia, but also age/ maturity. The identity is formed from being perceived as other long before you know why you are BEING othered. As you get older, you’ll realize that there’s never just one reason why we do something and that’s ok. Found the internet! 15. [deleted] • 10 mo. Please be mindful of your username if it is different than your reddit handle, and to choose whether you would like your post public or hidden. Is there anyone else here who has never been on a date? I live in a very conservative and religious country where arranged marriage is the norm. Our rules of treating one another with kindness, respect and general codes of conduct. I’m 28, a virgin with only a few months dating experience. LaughingJaguar • 1 yr. I've gotten the "I could fuck a girl but I think I could only date a man" thing so many times. TheDapperest • 1 yr. RainInTheWoods • 8 mo. You are 15 years old. 0 coins. About Community. Megan and Whitney Bacon-Evans are a lesbian couple who call themselves “Wegan. 27 votes, 38 comments. Search within r/Actuallylesbian. If this isn’t possible at this time, it’s totally okay to fake it or “play” the part of someone who is confident. Unwise. My gf has gone back to her home country for two weeks. It feels safe. All they need is just a single sperm cell. After looking through the posts, I was shocked that I finally discovered a place where lesbians are really the main topic and healthy ideas are promoted. They have to fight to keep their spaces gay men only, but in a slightly different way to us. I would emerse myself in Lesbian History and Lesbian Culture. It’s very long distance, so I took a week to come and see her here in Canada and her mom just made me a very filling breakfast 🥺 and I just smelled the flowers my gf gave me for the last time. I don't think we're compatible" and leave it at that. by bitchtarts. Which at some point brought up the question if the value of marriage fell. But then there's an image of both of them wearing tuxedos. There was r/ActuallyLesbian as a separate subreddit, that was created maybe a year ago and was active until today. Bit of a shower thought, but I’ve been thinking about this backsliding of lesbian stereotypes and how disturbing it is. I feel outta loop with the current lesbian generation. [deleted] • 10 mo. The title. Go to Actuallylesbian r. So I chat her up and do all of the above. It’s up to you if you want to use sub labels! I told an earlier comment, this question is LITERALLY brought up on almost every first date I’ve had since. Its fun and also touches on interesting topics like the generational difference between older and younger lesbians. Just really dry replies, not much enthusiasm. Gratefulness. Gay men have issues with straight people (bridal parties going to drag shows, straight women going to. To men. and this is the only thing we had to disagree on. Weekend Free Talk : r/Actuallylesbian. level 1. AyL is a discussion based community focused on the L in LGBT+. There's a collab with beach bunny called cloud 9 that I like a lot. One person (A) that put herself out there started. It may not be much, but for me it is important. People who try to set boundaries or protect themselves, actual lesbians or cis women for example, are bullied and name called with the goal of shouting lesbians and cis women into submission. Once you cross this obstacle, everything tends to fall into place, it’ll be really hard to find any other way to start chatting with. It is almost impossible to find a woman to date here. . The general way people go about stuff like this (at least in my experience) is to just invite a friend and their partner round, regardless of whether or not you know the partner. Whenever we start talking about wanting a lesbian relationships, our attraction to other women etc. If you guys aren’t exclusive, there’s nothing wrong with her meeting other people. Just came here to gush because who else am I going to annoy with this IRL? They had a bad day today so we were just on the phone talking about nothing and everything and laughing so much, so their bad mood completely faded by the end. Maybe. Two main things: 1 - Loving me back with all her heart. Every day I am so thankful that she loves me as much as I love her. Weekend Free Talk. Even with voice training, it will have a raspiness and a masculine edge to it. Amazingly, gold stars aren't privileged, in spite of what non goldstars claim all the time. Press J to jump to the feed. This is a thread that is less moderated than the rest of the subreddit. You could say something like “Oh I have a medical condition that I take medication for, but it doesn’t affect me day to day” (or you can explain. She is not an exclusive lesbian icon. In my country, mental health care and physiotherapy is paid. ago. It was the first movie or series I saw her in. I think you are. If you don’t know any gay people with partners, I’d start by trying to meet some, as opposed to trying to target them as a couple - you’ll get fewer creeps. It's not just femininity for lesbians, but a lesbian mix of feminine traits. Don't let her waste your time or your tears. 12K subscribers in the Actuallylesbian community. 12K subscribers in the Actuallylesbian community. A kind person is a good place to start a friendship with people who have a variety of interests. The last person I heard make a joke in regards to straight people being "breeders" was a straight person. Washington 👍. Please be mindful of your username if it is different than your reddit handle, and to choose whether you would like your. Posted in the Actuallylesbian community. Straight women might think about men’s genitals also as kind of gross but they have to get over that to be sexually active. So I was talking to this other lesbian woman and we were casually talking about our red flags in people, and she said being a virgin is one of hers because her ex was one and was bad at pleasing her and never learned in their year plus together.